Sipuk Mental Health Clinic

What Makes them special:
Children from all over Boro Park come to Sipuk Mental Health Clinic for mental health services. Whether they’re going through chaos from inside them or from the world around them, Sipuk’s excellent clinicians help them reach a place where they can heal & grow.
What made them come for copy:
Sipuk was about to release a series of page-stopping ads marketing their play therapy department. The ads would catch people’s attention to the benefits of play therapy, but they also wanted several long-form articles that would explain how & why this specific modality was so effective.
The Project:
An inside view into play therapy via a series of long-form articles. With insights from therapists, a layman’s explanation of how Sipuk play therapy works, and heartwrenching success stories, these articles were the perfect supplement to the ad campaign & helped people realize the incredible results of play therapy were no exaggeration.
Sipuk Mental Health Clinic
The Results:
A tremendous uptick in calls to Sipuk — and way more community awareness of the benefits of play therapy.
“Chani fully invests herself in your project, understanding your audience and crafting copy and content that hits them where they’re at. It’s hard to find a copywriter takes ownership of a project as Chani does.”

Chana Singer

Marketing Manager, Hamaspik of Kings County